Established by Congress in 1989, the National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program contributes to the nation's science and technology enterprise by funding research, education, and public service projects. The program works through a network of 52 university-based Space Grant consortia (representing every U.S. state, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia). Funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Space Grant Consortia provide support to college and university students in science and engineering; they also administer pre-college and public service education programs. Nationwide, there are currently more than 700 institutions affiliated with Space Grant.
New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium (NHSGC) was established in 1991 through a collaboration of the University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Dartmouth College.
In the fall of 1999, NASA named the NH Space Grant Consortium a Designated Consortium -- the top rating given to consortia.
Strategic Plan
The New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium (NHSGC) began in 1991 with two institutions, the
University of New Hampshire (UNH) and Dartmouth College, collaborating in a “Program
Grant” Consortium. In 1999, we became a “Designated Consortium” and have now grown to
include 5 more affiliates; adding the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center, the Community Colleges of New Hampshire Foundation, Plymouth State University, BAE Systems, Inc., and
Mount Washington Observatory.
To contribute to the development of a robust workforce for STEM employment, meeting the
needs of NASA and the state of New Hampshire; to expand opportunities for Americans to
participate in and make connections with NASA aeronautics and space programs; to foster
collaborations in support of regional and national space grant priorities; to develop STEM
education opportunities in New Hampshire at all levels, with particular focus on incorporating
the community college system at the 2 year degree level and, where appropriate, support its
function as a steppingstone to further degree programs. Through our affiliates, we achieve this
goal by competitively funding higher education opportunities and offering pre-college and
informal education programs, and research infrastructure—being mindful of benefits to the
State, its businesses, and its citizens.
The NHSGC will pursue this goal across a broad range of programs, with particular emphasis in
the following areas:
- Offering fellowships, scholarships, and internships/assistantships to graduate and
undergraduate (including community college) students pursuing studies in NASA-relevant
STEM disciplines. A strong focus is on expanding the presence of underrepresented groups
in NASA-relevant areas of study.
- Providing resources, information, and professional development support for the state and
region’s educators in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). At the K-
12 level, emphasis is placed on teacher/student activities that support the state and national
guidelines for science, math, and technology curricula.
- Supporting informal science education activities designed to inspire future scientists and
engineers and to increase public access to NASA science and technology.
- Extending our research infrastructure to include the next generation of scientists, and
engineers, both as students and young faculty, working in concert with NASA and industry
partners to provide work-learning experiences.
Last updated: September 2019
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI) Statement:
The members of the New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium are committed to building and nurturing an environment of excellence by providing open and inclusive access to those seeking to participate in our programs and activities. We venture to sustain an environment that fosters mutual respect and understanding. We believe diversity, equality, and inclusion are foundational values inextricably linked to achieving our core mission; and we embrace the many characteristics of our community members that make them uniquely themselves.
The New Hampshire Space Grant Consortium (NHSGC) supports and upholds the NASA Diversity and Inclusion Policy Statement. “The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is committed to a culture of diversity and inclusion, where all employees feel welcome, respected, connected, and engaged. As the world’s leader in aeronautics, space exploration, science, and technology, we embrace the critical importance of cultivating and empowering a diverse and inclusive workforce and work environment-enabling NASA to attract the widest and deepest pools of talent, leverage the capabilities of our exceptional workforce; and empower all personnel to be authentic, to participate, and to fully contribute. We understand this provides NASA access to the highest levels of knowledge, capabilities, creativity, problem solving, decision making, and performance. And this will enable NASA to achieve the greatest mission success.”
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Policy Statement on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility for NASA’s Workforce and Workplaces
Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government
Executive Order on Advancing Equity, Justice, and Opportunity for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders
Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce
Join NASA Astronauts on Mission Equity
NH Space Grant Consortium